Fresh ideas for new

Fresh, creative and disruptive,
we have all the properties of the queen fruit: the apple! We savor our work with bites, with passion!

La Pometa Agència

I'm interested in everything
what it communicates.
Sometimes I speak alone.


Managing & Creative Director

La Pometa Agència

Computer polyglot.
To me that goes
is the binary.


Tech Lead & Fullstack developer

La Pometa Agència

Design usable systems
and ergonomic is not
the only "freak"
what do I do.


Web Product Manager

& UI / UX Designer

La Pometa Agència

No question goes unanswered!
No strategy, no party.


Digital Marketing Strategist

& Paid Media Manager

La Pometa Agència

Design, creativity and Rock&Roll
Disruption as a way of life.



Art Director &

Graphic Designer

Marta Vaquero

Administrative Specialist

La Pometa Agència
Cristina Rius

International Digital Marketing & Strategy

Partner estratégico.

La Pometa Agència

Touristic Marketing Specialist

Partner strategic.

La Pometa Agència

Food Creative Designer LATAM

Partner estratégico.

We design and develop experiences
that improve the lives of our clients,
and therefore, of their users.

Ajuntament de Lleida - La PometaArgal - La PometaCafes batalla - La PometaCatedra de periodismo - La PometaClaranuts - La PometaDauliba - La PometaDiputació de Lleida - La PometaTurisme de Barcelona - La PometaEl palace - La PometaFruita d'Aitona - La PometaFruits de ponent - La PometaFundació Orfeó - La PometaGac - La PometaGeneralitat de Catalunya - La PometaLa llotja - La PometaPlataforma per la llengua - La PometaPonent energia - La PometaSic24 - La Pometa

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